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  • Writer's pictureSteve Gamel

What Are Our Personal And Business Goals For 2020? We're Glad You Asked

Our weekly networking group went through an interactive exercise this morning, where each participant shared his or her personal and business goals for 2020. Naturally, we wrote each goal down, but speaking our intentions out loud kinda made it all the more official.

I always have a list of personal and business goals a mile long – especially when it comes to my writing and editing company, Edit This®. But this year I've decided to hone in on my Top 4.

Here are my Top 4 personal and business goals for 2020.

1. Have a 50-50 work-life balance

I am a workaholic, and while that has made me very successful and led to many awards and opportunities, nothing is more important than God, my family, and my health. We should all strive to put our work down more often to spend more time with our kids and spouses and be intentional about those moments and our faith. We should also listen to and take care of our bodies. It's fun to be passionate about our careers. But our work life isn't everything.

2. Add 2 consistent members to my writing team by the end of 2020

Admittedly, I flirted with this concept quite a bit in 2019 by using three freelancers to help me when the list of projects got a little too big for one person to handle. The plan worked, too, but I didn't use them near as much as I could have. This year, I intend to make at least two of them (or someone else) a more consistent weapon in my writing and editing arsenal. Not only will this help me grow professionally, but it will allow me to build on my work-life balance.

3. Write AND PUBLISH one book by the end of 2020

I've been meaning to do this for years, but in that time I've spent more of my efforts in helping others do it. So why not me? I have the topic, and while I'm not at liberty to share right now, I can tell you that it's a fun way to help me get my feet wet and perhaps lead to even bigger book projects. This is both a personal and business goal for me.

4. Attend at least 3 networking or community events per week

I've always stressed the importance of building relationships and a sense of family with other local small-business owners and people in your community. When people know, like, and trust you, they're more likely to think of you first when they or someone they know needs a particular product or service. Plus, it just feels really good when you're friends with everyone. I am a networking machine, but I got away from it a little during the second half of last year.

Obviously, I am focused on so much more in terms of personal and business goals for 2020. A few more of my goals include increasing my social media presence, taking on bigger projects, and eliminating negativity from my life. I also want to know my worth better as a content writer, find ways to protect my company, and do more to help those around me grow.

What are some of your specific personal and business goals for 2020?

Call Edit This for all your writing and editing needs

Edit This is a writing and editing services company in Denton, TX. We specialize in producing written and error-free copy that explains your passion, promotes your products and services, and helps you stand out.

Our list of services include:

* Website copy

* Blogs

* Ghostwriting

* Press Releases

* Editing

* Newsletters

* Resumes

* And so much more

Whether you need us to write content from scratch or put a better spin on what you've written, we are the local writing and editing partner every business owner needs.

Thanks for reading!

*STEVE GAMEL is the President & Owner of Edit This, a writing and editing services company located in Denton, TX. Steve handles anything involving the written word. Give him a call today to help give your business a clear voice.

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