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  • Writer's pictureSteve Gamel

If I Can Write a Book, So Can You

I've had more than a handful of conversations with aspiring authors since my book, Write Like You Mean It: Mastering Your Passion For The Written Word, was published last month. And everyone kept saying the same thing about writing their own book one day:

"I've been told that I need to write a book but haven't taken the plunge yet."

"I've got two or three books in me, I swear."

"I've got an idea, but I'm just not sure if it's book material."

Well, if I can write a book, so can you. Seriously, though. It's true. There wasn't some magic formula to me writing Write Like You Mean It. In January 2020, I decided it was time. I grabbed my laptop, sat down, and started typing.

Before I knew it, five or six months had flown by, and I had a pretty neat book on my hands.

Here's how I kept at it:

  1. I committed to myself that I'd write one chapter a week.

  2. I told friends, family, and colleagues what I was doing so that there was accountability.

  3. I stuck to what I knew most – writing and editing (for you, it might be something else).

  4. As soon as I finished each chapter, I shared it with a trusted friend for feedback.

  5. I took constructive criticism in stride and implemented what made the most sense.

  6. When I got down on myself, I remembered why I was doing this.

  7. Once I had a rough manuscript, I immediately sought out a publisher.

And, thankfully, they said ...

Start writing your book today!

There are so many amazing books out there for us to read. Sadly, there are so many more that don't see the light of day because the author either doesn't have the confidence to put their stuff out there, or they haven't yet committed themselves to the process.

I'm not going to say writing a book is easy. It's not. But ... it's 100% worth it. More importantly, it's not beyond your capabilities! If you're thinking about writing a book, do it.

You were born to write a book!

How can you get your hands on Write Like You Mean It?

This book is for writers of all experience levels, genres, and professional pursuits. Whether you’re a journalist, college writer, aspiring freelancer, or future novelist, this book is for you, so you too can Write Like You Mean It!

Get your copy:

I would love to see this book end up in every creative writing or journalism course in every high school, college, and major university in the country. If you are a professional who works in any of those settings, I'd love to talk to you. If you know someone who does, please let me know how I can let them know about this important book!

Thank you for reading!

*STEVE GAMEL is the President & Owner of Edit This, a writing and editing services company located in Denton, TX, and the author of Write Like You Mean It: Mastering Your Passion For The Written Word. Steve handles anything involving the written word. Give him a call today to help give your business a clear voice.

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