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  • Writer's pictureSteve Gamel

If You Loved Reading Write Like You Mean It, Please Spread the Word

Steve Gamel's book, Write Like You Mean It: Mastering Your Passion for the Written Word
Photo credit: Brown Books Publishing Group

My eccentric but loveable friend Dan emailed me out of the blue recently. And I only say "out of the blue" because he'd been galavanting across Europe for weeks, and no one expected to hear from him anytime soon. But here he was, explaining in ways that only Dan could that while he was finally back in the states, he'd be missing our upcoming networking meeting for a previously-scheduled colonoscopy. But on a brighter note, he wanted to share how much he enjoyed my book, Write Like You Mean It: Mastering Your Passion For The Written Word.

If you knew Dan, you wouldn't be surprised to receive an email like this. He's definitely not a writer, but he knows how to grab your attention from the get-go.

Thankfully, this blog post isn't about Dan's colonoscopy.

Instead, it's about his thoughts on my book, which were also attention-grabbing. He wanted to get some sleep on his long plane flight but couldn't because my book was that good!

"On a more positive note, I finally got to your book in the pile and read it on the flight across the pond. The book's only disappointment was that it did not put me to sleep. I gathered a lot of good tips."

Thankfully, Dan has been busy telling everyone about my book. And I couldn't be more grateful. Because as much as I'm willing to talk about my own book and shout to the mountaintops how good it really is, it's more impactful when you hear what readers think.

So here's my request:

If you loved reading Write Like You Mean It, please spread the word!!!!

Don't keep it a secret! Tell everyone – your friends, family, coworkers, and people you meet randomly at the grocery store. Tell the guy who owns your favorite bookstore in town. Tell the local library. Tell your friend who happens to be a school superintendent.

Post about it on social media.

Share pictures of yourself reading it.

Tell everyone that this isn't some boring book. It's a game-changer!

You Can Write Like You Mean It

As I've said a million times, my goal is for this to reach and benefit every writer, whether they are just getting started or a veteran who wants to write the next great American novel. I want to see that Write Like You Mean It reaches every high school and college in the country – a companion book that adds value to the existing curriculum.

But I can't do it alone! I'm biased – I wrote the book and am incredibly proud of it. My audience expects that from me as the author. What they want to hear are your testimonials!

Will you help?

How can you get your hands on Write Like You Mean It?

Write Like You Mean It is fully distributed, meaning that you can pretty much get it anywhere books are sold. That includes Patchouli Joe's if you're in the Denton area!

Get your copy:

Thank you for reading!

*STEVE GAMEL is the President & Owner of Edit This®, a writing and editing services company located in Denton, TX, and the author of Write Like You Mean It: Mastering Your Passion For The Written Word. Steve handles anything involving the written word. Give him a call today to help give your business a clear voice.

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