Everyone always asks me which writing jobs keep me busy the most at Edit This®, and the answer is almost always blogs. I wrote 522 client blogs last year, and that doesn't include the 52 I wrote for myself. Clearly, more companies than ever see the value in adding them to their content strategies. So if everyone else – including your clients – has a blog, you should also start a blog for your writing business.
After all, how else will you convince clients that blogs are a great idea for them if you don't have one? You have to walk the walk if you're going to talk the talk. I sure did, and I genuinely believe starting a blog was the best thing I could have done for my writing business.
Here are just a few quick reasons why:
I can talk directly to my audience.
It's valuable content for my website.
Potential clients find me because of my blog.
Blogging establishes me as an authority on my craft.
They make me a better writer.
Blogs create brand awareness.
They helped me get my book written.
I can use my blog to boost my social media presence.
I'm being found more in online search results.
Blogs keep me "top of mind" with my clients.
What's a Blog, Anyway?
Blogs are short, informal web articles (you're reading one now) that you write for current and prospective clients to share ideas, best practices, industry trends, fun topics, etc. A few examples of blog ideas would be a fitness pro sharing 5-10 tips on how to lose weight or a roofing company writing advice about what to do after a hail storm.
And the more of them they write, the better.
Blogging consistently helps companies stand out while highlighting their personality, sparking engagement, and allowing them to share pearls of wisdom.
This is why I ask, "Have you started a blog for your writing business yet?"
Walk the Walk and Talk the Talk With Blogs
All writers should blog, especially if they've taken the plunge and started their own writing business. With that said, it's not easy coming up with creative blog post ideas week after week, month after month, and year after year to entertain readers.
I get it if you’re struggling to get started or even find new ideas for your existing blog. I’ve maintained a weekly blog at Edit This for seven years. And though my “idea well” hasn’t run dry, it takes plenty of planning, thinking outside the box, and a little luck to keep going.
You need to have your own blog – whether you're a novelist, freelancer, author, journalist, or writer who hasn't found your niche yet. They are a great way to promote yourself and your services, set you up as an authority, and develop a loyal following.
With that in mind, here's a list of 80 creative blog post ideas for writers.
Use these to get yourself going.
Why did you decide to become a writer? Share your story.
How did you get started as a writer?
Interview another writer.
Write a blog post that promotes your writing services.
Write a quick grammar lesson.
What are some of your favorite writing resources?
What makes your writing different?
Write a "Day in the Life of a Writer."
Write a book review.
What are a few tips and tricks that help you be a better writer?
How do you stay organized?
What are 5-10 writing tools that you can't live without?
Create a roundup of your favorite blog posts from around the web.
Create a roundup of the favorite blog posts you've written.
Answer questions from your readers.
What are the best holiday gift ideas for writers?
What are your go-to resources as a writer?
Do a client spotlight.
Do a mentor spotlight.
Do a spotlight on your favorite author or novelist.
Create a GIF-filled post about writing.
Create a Meme-filled post about writing.
What are your favorite songs about writing and writers?
Share your favorite jokes about writing and writers.
Compile a list of inspirational and funny quotes about writing.
Do a Throwback Thursday blog post.
Write a post that says thanks to your readers.
What projects do you have coming up that you're excited about?
Where can followers find you on social media?
How has social media benefited your writing career?
What are your goals for the next 5-10 years?
What was your most embarrassing experience as a writer?
What's the worst mistake you ever made as a writer?
What's the best decision you ever made as a writer?
Take a writing course and write a review on it.
Share how you overcome distractions.
How do you overcome writer's block?
Write a parody post.
Create a list of publishers or literary agents.
Write a "how-to" blog post.
Write about a recent writing milestone.
What are a few tips on how to promote your writing?
What are a few useful partners for writers?
When do you like to write, and why?
Offer up a guest blog post.
Where are your favorite places to write, and why?
What are some of your pet peeves about writers and writing?
What are a few ways to improve your blog?
Use a picture-heavy blog post to describe your life as a writer.
Share some of your favorite published work.
Switch to a video blog for a week.
Create a blog post with FAQs.
Write a post with general tips for writers.
Share what you've learned as a writer.
Write about your family.
Describe how you go about developing characters for your novels.
Spotlight a new hire (for those who have a writing business).
Take an unrelated topic and tie it back to writing.
What's the most creative way someone has used your writing skills?
Who are the most interesting people you've interviewed, and why?
What are your fears as a writer?
How do you overcome your fears?
Create a list of writing hacks.
What inspires you?
How do you schedule your writing assignments to stay on task?
Celebrate your blog's birthday.
How do you write when traveling?
What are some of your go-to apps?
How do you relax?
How do you stay productive?
How do you stay healthy as a writer?
Create a beginner's guide.
Ask your readers what they'd like you to blog about.
Read and respond to blog comments as a blog post.
Talk about industry trends.
How do you overcome writing challenges?
Review your favorite writing product.
How do you handle rejection?
Write a blog post with a list of creative blog ideas.
Hopefully, the list of ideas above will help you keep blogging.
Need Some Writing Business Tips? Call Edit This!
I feel an incredible sense of responsibility to share with other writers and editors who are just starting out on their own what worked for me, what didn't, what I wish I did differently, and everything in between. This way, they can start their writing business faster and with more confidence than I ever had all those many years ago.
A writing consulting and coaching professional works collaboratively with a writer to help take their passion for writing from a hobby to a successful freelance writing career. We aren’t your editor, writer, ghostwriter, or second set of eyes, and we won’t take the steps toward small-business ownership for you. But we will coach you through getting that business started, including giving you practical advice, actionable step-by-step instructions, accountability and structure, and anything else we can do to help you overcome obstacles that may pop up.
Everything starts with a FREE 30-minute call. From there, you’ll have three 45-60-minute phone, Zoom, or in-person sessions per month, where we provide customized step-by-step instructions to keep you on track and turn your hobby into a successful writing business.
There are hundreds of ways to flex your creative writing muscles and build a successful freelance writing business. And we want to help.
Thank you for reading!
STEVE GAMEL is the President & Owner of Edit This®, a writing and editing services company in Denton, TX. He is also a consultant and coach and the author of Write Like You Mean It: Mastering Your Passion for the Written Word. Steve handles anything involving the written word. Give him a call today to help give your business a clear voice.
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